Underfloor Heating Leaks
Leak Detection Specialists are experienced in finding underfloor heating leaks Leak Detection Specialists engineers use thermal imaging cameras to help find underfloor heating leaks. Thermal imaging cameras identify very small differences in temperature on the surface of different materials, highlighting the warmer and colder surface areas providing evidence of where the leak is originating. Underfloor heating leaks are highly unlikely but can be found on the manifold. Common underfloor heating problems can be caused by air in the loops, debris in the pipes, incompatible floor finish and incorrect set-up. Thermal imaging works really well when an underfloor heating system with pipes is set in screed, as there is a direct transfer of heat from the pipes to the floor. Depending on the thickness of the flooring and its coverings there may or may not be any surface temperature changes. Thermal imaging results may also be affected by false hot spots due to missing ins...