Prevent water leaks by insulating your pipework
Fall is just around the corner and cold weather can cause problems for your water supply. It's important to protect your water pipes before winter sets in. To prevent pipes from freezing or bursting be sure that your pipes are well insulated.When water freezes inside a pipe it turns into ice. The ice needs more room than water, as it expands. As the ice expands, it increases pressure on the pipes and joints, often causing pipes to split or joints to pull apart. A water leak can cause serious damage to your property. Leak Detection Specialists can locate hidden water leaks quickly preventing any further damage and expense. Get your property winter-ready Identify the pipework both inside and outside of your home which may be at risk of freezing from sub-zero temperatures - eg outdoor taps, pipes linking up to internal water meters or in unheated draughty areas such as lofts and cellars Locate your internal stop tap and make sure that it is working...