The Twelve Days Of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas my boiler stopped working for me ?

On the second day of Christmas my plumber said to me, "you have a leak on your heating you see".

On the third day of Christmas my plumber said to me, "I'm struggling to find the leak for thee".

On the fourth day of Christmas my plumber dug a hole big enough for him & me!

On the fifth day of Christmas the pipes we finally did see, but now with a chisel hole or three..

On the sixth day of Christmas still no leak to see, oh where oh where can it be ?

On the seventh day of Christmas a wise man said to me, why don't you try a leak detection specialist company?

On the eighth day of Christmas I had a look on line to see.

On the ninth day of Christmas a man from my insurance I did see, don't worry he said, it will be covered on my household Trace & Access policy.

On the tenth day of Christmas I found the one for me, booked the engineer from LDS to see.

On the eleventh day of Christmas they found the leak for me, hidden in the concrete under the Christmas tree!

On the twelfth day of Christmas my plumber said to me "how do they make it look so easy ?"

 Poetic but chaotic.....
Call us at
LDS as soon as you suspect a leak.
Tel: 0844 809 4968

Written by Lee Dolman, (Engineer from LDS Leak Detection Specialists Ltd)


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