Can Leak Detection find a smell?


On occasions Leak Detection Specialists are approached to find where a smell is coming from !

Problem: A sporadic Smell affecting a large corporate building in the North of England.

It was first thought that this smell was a drainage issue that would come and go.

The problem had been on going for 2 years during which time many companies had attended to resolve the issue but the problem persisted.

Leak Detection Specialists were approached by the company with the problem. Arrangements were made for LDS engineers to attend the site out of hours on a weekend to prevent any disruption to the buildings employees.

After various testing to soil stacks and utilities LDS Leak Detection engineers found the leak on a capped off stack in the basement area that was used for the air conditioning and boiler condensing water.

It was found that part of the line was running up hill and could not therefore run to waste. The pipeline was found behind a wall in the building.

The exact smell was found in this line that was affecting the building.

After adjustments were made to this stack and the fall of the pipework the problem was cured.

Thanks to LDS Leak Detection Specialists Ltd the smell had gone.

We can't always guarantee we will find a smell but with our engineers expertise and experience they will do their very best in finding it !



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